Carol asked about ordering fat-free in Italy.....
We spent a month in Tuscany two September's ago and eating low fat and
vegetarian was not easy! Ordering soups for lunch was a good idea, either
minestrone or ribbolita (a Tuscan speciality with vegetables and lettuce in
it). But the only danger is that you can never really be sure if it has m**t
stock in it.
Usually you can get foccacia or pannini with grilled vegetables...Obvious
vegetarian choices like risotto are usuually full of oil.
So what I ended up doing was compromising and trying to choose low fat
instead of fat free (which is really unheard of it Italy).
By the way, after my trip, I bought a great cook book in the States called
Lean Italian Meatless Meals by Anne Casale. which has great recipes for
pastas, risottos satisfy my cravings!
Good luck
an aussie in LA