I would highly recommend 2 different cookbooks. They both are available through M.A.P.
Enterprises 1-800-250-9634.
The first is Feast & Be Fit- Recipes from the Franklin Quest Institute of Fitness, one of
the leading Health Spas of the World. It has over 100 recipes with nutritional information
provided. Overall, I would say that the recipes use mostly common ingredients and are
fairly easy to make. When I was a guest at the spa, they were selling the cookbooks for
$12.95. They are now running a special of $5.00 per cookbook. Great price. Got 20 for
friends and family for Christmas.
The other cookbook is new to the market. It is called SPA CUISINE, a collection of
recipes from the leading Destination Spas of the World. Not only is Franklin Quest
Institute of Fitness in the cookbook, but 10 other top rated spas contribute recipes as
well. Since spas are concerned with serving healthy food items, this cookbook is mostly
vegan. Those few recipes that do have some animal protein in them, do not use any red
meat. I purchased this cookbook after I went to the spa after learning about it. I think
that it retails for $19.99.
Just my 2 cents worth about cookbooks. I have over 100 cookbooks at home, and I refer
back to these 2 cookbooks at least one time per week.