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Re: vegan marshmellows

This is the place to order your vegan marshmellows.

>Date: Sun,  9 Aug 1998 22:57:07, -0500
>From: FUZY76B@xxxxxxxxxxx (MRS AMY E CAMPBELL-SMITH)
>Subject: vegan marshmallows?!?
>Message-Id: <199808100257.WAA16330@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>hi all, 
>i haven't posted in quite a while.  :) i've been a faithful lurker.  
>i have a question for you:  i have been craving something 
>marshmallowy, like crispie treats, etc and want to buy the vegan 
>marshmallows.  i went to my hfs and they have never heard of 
>them!!!!!!!  i couldn't believe that.  the manager said they could 
>order them if i found out the name of them, so dear people---can you 
>help me?  it would be greatly appreciated!  :)

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Chris Gambino

~~Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held it's ground.~~

