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Thanks to all!

I really appreciate the response to my post Re: Watch the tofu. I'm glad
there are so many of you who agree with me that having a different diet
does not mean being obsessive about it, or slamming others for not being as
obsessive! *grin*

Vegetarians in Singapore have a bad rep in general. Singaporeans tend to
associate vegetarians with pale sickly looking and skinny people, and for
being very troublesome by being choosy and selective in the food they eat.
I think this is because some vegns have failed to understand that if they
want others to accomodate their needs, they must do the same too. Don't
turn your nose up at meat just because you don't eat it. Someone may look
at your bowl of dinner salad and go "yucks" too. Which is why, slam me all
you want, I'm going to say fat as "fat" and meat as "meat" (not "m**t"). I
think respect for other people's diets and tastes is important. 

I've received several requests to post the eat-lf list address, so here it

Low Fat Foods Discussion List: Send e-mail to 
Make sure that you put "subscribe eat-lf" in the body without the
quotations marks

This list is NOT vegetarian. But I'm sure the clever ones out there will be
able to make the necessary adaptions to the recipes to suit one's own taste
or diet. 8) The list moderators Reggie & Jeff are really nice, easy going
and encouraging.

Look your best -- who said love is blind?
- by Mae West

Karen Lim                    singapore
