I've tried Gimme Lean and also like it a lot. I used it in a "sausage" dressing
for Thanksgiving this year. I do find that it does not have as strong a sausage
flavor as the real thing, and it is a bit stickier. However, it was quite
tasty. Anyway, there is another meat substitute in the can. It is Loma Linda
brand, and I found it at my Albertson's store in the isle with Health Valley
foods. Of course, it was on the bottom shelf, and many of the cans had a fine
layer of dust on them, but they were there. This substitute is great for tacos
or burritos, and would be great in spaghetti. I like it mainly because I don't
have to thaw it and it can sit on my shelf forever. I just open a can, and then
"saute" it in a nonstick pan. I crumbles well. I should warn, though, that
just out of the can, it does look (and kind of smell) like dogfood. Anyway, its
worth giving it a try. Karen