> A friend gave me 2 lbs. of Turkish red lentils for Christmas and they =
> are a beautiful bright orange and very, very tiny!! The lentils I have =
> used before are about the diameter of a pea - these red ones are only =
> about 1/8"!=20
> I don't really want to just throw them into my taco lentils, but would =
> like to make something that would use them to advantage and also show =
> off that lovely color (presuming they don't turn a normal brown when =
> cooked). Does anyone have any suggestions?
> ---
> Sherron, Poi Boy & Jazzy
I love these because they cook so quickly (10, 15 minutes? something
like that ...). What I usually do with them is to boil them with
some vegie buillion, and then when they're all soft, add salsa to
taste, and use it as a spread on toast. It's a great spread to keep
on hand in the refrigerator.
Tane' Tachyon = tachyon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx = http://www.tachyonlabs.com/