A couple days ago someone asked how others store the recipes they get
from the mailing lists. I used to store mine in a big binder, but pretty
soon the binder was huge and it was somewhat difficult to organize. For
instance, would *Red Beans and Rice* be stored under beans or rice? I
could have a category called beans and rice, but I would also need one
for beans and grains, and beans and pasta, and beans and veggie, and
grains and rice, and grains and pasta...you get the idea. I also tried
storing them on my computer as word processor files, but that had definite
limitations also, and more importantly, it did not solve my
classification problem.
So...I finally decided to give MasterCook a try. I had heard it
discussed many times, but I couldn't believe it was really all that. I
did a little research on it and finally decided to order MasterCook
Cooking Light. I absolutely love it. The recipes that came with it are
virtually useless, but the program itself is fabulous. This way I can
store all the great recipes that I find, but I only print them out when i
am actually going to make them--which definitely saves paper. If my
family likes the recipe, I put the paper copy into a binder in my kitchen
(with page protectors, of course), so I don't have to print it out
again. I keep the recipe stored in MasterCook, though, so that I can find
it using their great search feature and use them in creating meal plans
and shopping lists ( I have always made weekly menus when I write out my
shopping list, but now it is so much easier!)
I don't have any financial connection to the company...etc,etc. I'm just
really happy with the product. My only complaint is that the recipes it
comes with are largely meat-based (even though it is the Cooking Light
version). It would be great if they would come out with a Vegetarian
Times or Veggie Life version! Overall, though, I am exceedingly happy
with my purchase.
Someone else asked about the Dixie Chicken Not Salad Mix. I haven't
tried it, but I have been considering ordering it in my next order.
There were two recipes using it in the last catalog I received (I don't
know if the one I have is the most recent or not, it's got a red and
green Christmasy cover). The recipes look good, but the salad mix is
expensive, so I am hesitant to buy it. Has anyone who likes Dixie's Chicken
Not tried the salad mix and not liked it? Speaking of
Chicken Not, I tried the nugget recipe that appeared on the back of the
aforementioned catalog and really liked it! If anyone wants the recipe,
let me know and I will post it to the list.