To any of our members who are concerned with kashrut, I've just discoverd,
to my great delight, that Yves products are now under OU supervision. I
really missed them when I banned all non-hechshered
products from my kitchen ...
For more info you can contact Yves at yvc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or 1-800-667-YVES.
I have no connection with the company, I'm just a very satisfied customer.
Be well, Hadass
Dr. Hadass Eviatar (XX) mailto:eviatar@xxxxxxxxxx
National Research Council of Canada Phone: (204) 984 - 4535
Institute for Biodiagnostics Fax: (204) 984 - 5472
435 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1Y6
-- Shun evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it -- Psalm 34