Excerpts from "The Motivation to Move" by Vicki R. Pierson and Renee Cloe
at The Fitness Partner Connection website
"There are three types of factors that affect our motivation to stay with
an exercise program. . . . The questions below may shed some light on how
these factors affect your exercise program. . . .
It's helpful to think of this motivational process as dynamic and ongoing;
different strategies are needed for different stages of your exercise
program. Here are some practical tips to keep you moving forward . . ."
When conditions change or my motivation lags, answering the questions posed
in the article inevitably helps me figure out how to adjust my exercise
Bette in Georgia,
where it's so hot and muggy that I'm now exercising aerobically only in an
indoor public pool or in air-conditioned malls where walkers are welcome
and safe