Oh the joys of catching up on digests! <s>
I LOVE mustard, the sharper the better. Guess what *I* put in deviled
eggs!! <ducking> OK!! I'll NOT start that again!! <G>
Mustard makes a great condiment, as do the delicious vinegars Tina mentioned
in your post. Vinegar makes amazing sauces for vegetables, and a mustard
sauce is great over sietan "chicken and things like that.
I lost and 40lbs without exercise by going extreme (McDougall) then moving
back into Ornish. I've kept if off for over 5 years. Now, however, I have
a sedentary job, and must either McDougall again, or get off my dead butt
and start exercising. <sigh>
This is a good lifestyle. My DH gets it by osmosis and doesn't really care.
Darned man can lose weight just by breathing hard. But for me, I feel
better, my body functions better, I don't get food hangovers, and skin is
better. So in answer to that question about this lifestyle, I submit a
resounding "Yes!" With mustard and vinegar!