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Annie asked about several cookbooks that I've either used or seen.  By far,
Jay Solomon's 150 Vegan Favorites is my favorite of the bunch.  Not
everything is vlf, but the recipes that are not are easily adapted by
leaving out an ingredient or two.  If you are accustomed to reading "sauté
in oil" as sauté in a little broth or water, you will be fine.  This is a
cookbook on the gourmet side of cooking, but I find the recipes easy and
fast with few exceptions, and exceptionally tasty.  
	I have friends who swear by Debra Wasserman's books, but I never use
my copy of Conveniently Vegan.  The recipes use more prepared foods than I
like to do, and they are very plain.  However, it might be just the thing
for someone very new to vegan cooking.  It has a lot of text on shopping
vegan, etc.  
	I also have a new book, Eating in Eden, by Hermine Freed, that I'm
enchanted with right now.  I haven't tried enough recipes to know if this
will wear off!  It's also more at the gourmet end of the scale, and the
recipes are fussier than those in Jay Solomon's book.  If you enjoy cooking,
this might be another possibility.  Again, you'll have to delete calls for
oil, avocado, and coconut.  
Have fun!