Hi Nancy,
On today's Fatfree digest, you asked about getting past digests. Well,
there is a great way to retrieve them. Here is what you do -
Send a message to: fatfree-request@xxxxxxxxxxx
(Notice you have to put REQUEST in or it just goes to the list)
In the subject line put: archive
In the message part put only: get volume99/45
(Notice where the space is - after get and notice the slash after the year)
Send the message
As an example, the message above would get you digest #45 for 1999. (We
just received digest #48 as you can see from the heading of the most recent
digest.) Just change the digest number as desired and the year when it
changes. Good luck and write if you need any help.
Also, you were asking for recipes. You should go onto the website
(www.fatfree.com) and look through the recipes for the category you want or
do a search for the particular food. You'll find so many things there.
Have fun and good luck!
Natalie in Milwaukee