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Mike wrote:
 but the local
Whole Foods stores in San Jose and Northern California, are
extraordinary. I have never seen anything like them. The variety of FF
vegetarian foods is absolutely breathtaking.

Nora writes:
I totally agree with you, Mike.  I live in Northern California and that
is one of the things that I love about living here.  

I hope I'm not doing something wrong by mentioning a specific
restaurant.. but we just spent a day in China Town in San Francisco and
ate at a vegetarian Chinese restaurant named 'The Lotus Blossom'.   The
food was incredible!!  My 11 year old son , who is a picky eater, is
still talking about the great food there. 

I could spend an entire day wandering through the Whole Foods Store!!  

Northern California is a beautiful place...and very vegetarian friendly!


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