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RE: Grits

This is for Jenka - 

While the South is famous for its grits, you should have no trouble at all
finding oatmeal whenever and wherever you want it. Grits are also not just a
breakfast food. One of the yummiest dishes I have ever eaten came from a
small restaurant in a little town outside of Charleston - Shrimp Grits with
cheese and onion. (Neither lowfat nor vegetarian so enough of that). The
following information was taken from

Cornmeal and hominy grits are made from mature white or
yellow corn from which the bran and germ have been removed.

    Cornmeal is ground corn.  For hominy, kernels of hulled
corn are either left whole or broken into particles.  Hominy
grits are grains of hominy broken into small uniform
    White cornmeal and grits are traditional in the South; 
yellow cornmeal and grits are more likely to be found in the
North.  Besides color, there are also differences in favor
in these products.
    Most cornmeal and hominy grits on the market are
enriched with thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and iron
according to U.S. Government standards.  Calcium and vitamin
D also may be added to these corn products.

Lee Ellen Carter
Atlanta, GA

Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 06:55:56 -0500
From: Jenka Guevara <jguevara@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: grits
Message-Id: <375E564C.BDCDD029@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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I take oatmeal everyday, now I will be going to the South for a week,
South Carolina.  I know they serve grits there.  Grits comes from corn,
that is all I know.  What about its caloric/foodvalue contents?
Do they help for cholesterol?
Anything about them will help.  TIA

Yes, I know I wrote about Houston.  I will be one week in South Carolina
and then one week in Houston.  Then lucky me, I will be in Boston
visiting my daughter.  Travel summer :)
Thanks for any help

                    Jenka Guevara (Keizer)
jguevara@xxxxxxxxxxx                     http://spin.com.mx/~jguevara
The American School Foundation     Mexico City    HS Computer Teacher
The University of Alabama, Doctoral Student, Instructional Technology