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Re: Beets and there leaves

IndieRkJen@xxxxxxx wrote:
> hi everyone..yesterday in Fresh Fields i picked up some beets.
> i was wondering if you can do anything with the leaves of the
> beets??

Mmm, beets -- one of my favorite veggies! :)

When I prepare fresh beets, I chop off the greens and set them aside. 
Scrub the beets themselves, cut off their "tails", cut larger ones into
chunks, and put them in a pot with just enough boiling water to cover
them.  Simmer until the beets start to soften.  While they're simmering,
I rinse and de-stem the greens.  Once the beets start to soften, I put
the greens in on top of the beets.  By the time the beets themselves are
done, the greens have also cooked.  Dish out a pile of beet chunks
topped with beet greens -- ah, heaven! :)

No spices, no herbs, just wonderful beet & beet green taste.  And when
the cooking water cools, it's pretty tasty, too.

Can you tell I like beets? :)


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