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Nutrition discussions are generally considered OT, but here is what I
found in the USDA database. I think it is pretty conclusive.

Be well, Hadass

Nutritional Data for 100 grams of NUTS; COCONUT MEAT, RAW

Mean value per 100.00 grams edible part; 48.0% refuse 
Portions:  1 PIECE (2X2X1/2-IN) = 45.00 gm, 1 C SHRDDED OR GRATD = 80.00
81.2% Cals from fat, 3.7% Cals from protein, 15.1% Cals from carbs.

                                          Male    Female
Name                    Unit    Amount    %RDA     %RDA
Food energy             KCal:  354.000    12.2%    16.1%
Protein                 Gms :    3.330     5.3%     6.7%
Total lipid (fat)       Gms :   33.490    34.7%    45.7%
Carbohydrate, by diff.  Gms :   15.230     3.2%     4.5%
Total saturated fat     Gms :   29.698    92.2%   121.7%
Ttl monounsaturated fat Gms :    1.425
Ttl polyunsaturated fat Gms :    0.366
Cholesterol             Mg  :    0.000     0.0%     0.0%
Sodium                  Mg  :   20.000     4.0%     4.0%
Total dietary fiber     Gms :    9.000    36.0%    36.0%
Vitamin A               Re  :    0.000     0.0%     0.0%
Vitamin A               IU  :    0.000
Ascorbic acid           Mg  :    3.300     5.5%     5.5%
Thiamin                 Mg  :    0.066     4.4%     6.0%
Riboflavin              Mg  :    0.020     1.2%     1.5%
Niacin                  Mg  :    0.540     2.8%     3.6%
Vitamin B6              Mg  :    0.054     2.7%     3.4%
Folacin                 Mcg :   26.400    13.2%    14.7%
Vitamin B12             Mcg :    0.000     0.0%     0.0%
Potassium               Mg  :  356.000    17.8%    17.8%
Calcium                 Mg  :   14.000     1.8%     1.8%
Phosphorus              Mg  :  113.000    14.1%    14.1%
Magnesium               Mg  :   32.000     9.1%    11.4%
Iron                    Mg  :    2.430    24.3%    16.2%

Hadass Eviatar
Winnipeg, Canada
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8.