Sorry I left out the part about how to get the breading to stick to the
tofu. Tonight, I used a bit of ketchup that I had added some water to.
dont make it too thin though as you want it to stick. I have also tried
honey or just a bit of plain water. Whatever flavor you like best should
work fine. I use a bit of PAM in the skillet to cook it, be sure the heat
isn't on too high though or the breading will burn. It takes about 5-10
mins per side. You can also cut the tofu into 1" cubes and then put the
breading mixture into a bowl with a lid, toss in the cubes and put the lid
on and shake them until coated and then cook them in the pan until they are
brown. These are great served with a bit of warmed spagetti sauce. I hope
this helps! This recipe came from the Cooking with PETA
cookbook...wonderful vegetarian cookbook, but you have to watch the fat
content on some stuff.
Sally Eddy