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RE: Restaurants in Baltimore

Baltimore, home of the Vegetarian Resource Group, offers a dining guide for
a few cities, naturally Baltimore being one.
This guide can be found on http://www.vrg.org/travel/baltimore.htm
If you'd like to see all of Maryland, it's

Keep in mind you're only 40 minutes from Washington, DC, which is host to
100s of restaurants that are representative of the food available in
countries that have emissaries here.

In many countries, being a diplomat is a post of high society, not just a
high government post. With those dignitaries come the people to provide
services.  The restaurants here are often absolutely excellent examples of
the cuisine available in their country of origin.

 From spending 22 years in the Washington restaurant business, I know to
receive an endorsement from some of these diplomats ensures success if the
restaurateur returns home and continues his career there.

So, my point in all this is that although I love Baltimore, and we go up
there e to dine occasionally, don't forget Annapolis and Washington, DC are
both only a very short drive away.  (Around here, 40 minutes is what it
takes to get across TOWN, so what's 40 minutes on a nice parkway, right?

Oh.  Stay away from dining in the Harbor Place?  Although Paolo's is GREAT
food (I was an opening manager at one here in DC) and J.Paul's has great
pretzels (worked in the Georgetown one - same owners), it's pure tourist.
By that I mean overpriced, crowded, with service that would better suit a
Bennigans.  And Philips, seafood legend in the area that it is?  <gag> All
fried, heavy cream and butter;  i.e.  1960s idea of what seafood should be.

You'll love it here.  I hope you get to come in a few weeks, because it'll
be warm by then.  We're currently having our burp of winter weather. Oh yes.
There is a Trader Joe's in Rockville, but I don't know about Baltimore.
Check the 'net!

Enjoy yourselves!