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Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 15:20:10 -1000
From: John Wallace <jwallace@xxxxxxxx>
To: beukemaj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Vancouver
Hi barb,
I'm the VegSource Travel Lady (http://www.vegsource.com).
I saw your post on the ff board and have a pretty good list
of veg and vegan restaurants in Vancouver. I have no personal
experience with any of them.
Bodai Vegetarian Restaurant
337 E. Hastings St. (604)682-2666
Vegetarian. Closed Tues. Moderately priced
Bo-Jik Vegetarian Restaurant
820 W. Broadway (604)872-5556
Vegetarian/Asian. Pur Buddhist vegetarian cuisine. Moderately priced
Bo Kong Vegetarian Restaurant
3068 Main St. (604)876-3088
Vegetarian/Chinese. Vegan options. Moderately priced.
Circling Dawn Organic Foods
1045 Commercial Dr. (604)255-2326
Vegan/organic. Vegan options. Inexpensive.
4166 Main St. (604)879-3380
Vegetarian/Chinese. Vegan options. Inexpensive.
Le Veggie
1096 Denman St. (604)682-3885
Vegan/Chinese. Vegan only. Moderately priced.
Miu Jay Garden Vegetarian Restaurant
363 E. Hastings St. (604)687-5231
Vegetarian/Chinese. Vegan options. Moderately priced.
The Naam Restaurant
2724 W. 4th Ave. (604)738-7151
Vegetarian/ethnic. Macrobiotic/vegan options. Inexpensive.
Surat Sweets
6665 Fraser St. (604)322-9544
Vegetarian/Indian. Vegan options. Moderately priced.
Sweet Cherubim Natural Foods Limited
1105 Commercial Dr. (604)253-0969
Vegetarian. Macrobiotic/vegan options. Moderately priced.
Woodlands Restaurant
2582 W. Broadway (604)733-5411
Vegetarian/North American. Vegan options. Moderately priced.
John (the VegSource Travel Lady)