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Soy and Menopause

In answer to the one loooking for more soy protein to alleviate menopause
It's not the protein in soy that you need, but rather the isoflavones that
yield the plant estrogens.

The best comparison of soy-based foods for menopause symptons (a/k/a hot
flashes) was
published in Prevention last year, and repeated again in their Herbal
magazine now on the news stands. Their results:
Product			Mg. of Isoflavones		Serving Size
Nutlettes®		110+			1/2 Cup
Beef Not?		60+			1/2 Cup
Soy Nuts			60+
All Others			35 or Lower

Generic TVP, available in most "health" food stores is LOW in isoflavones
because most of it is processed with alcohol instead of water. Alcohol
washes out the isoflavones. Yes, tofu also has significant isoflavones, but
the quantity varies widely depending upon which type and how it's processed.

Watch the fat content of some soy products. Raw soy beans are high in fat,
Nutlettes and Beef Not are very low in fat.

Bob Beeley
Dixie USA Inc.
