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Honolulu restaurants

I agree with Neal Pinckney that I love Country Cafe in Honolulu is cheap
and cooks veggie dishes pretty much oil free. However, the last time I was
there, I found a big bite of chicken hidden in the middle of my dish.
Gross!  I don't understand how that could happen if the veg dishes are
cooked in a separate room? This has happened to one of my friends too. The
place is so darn busy I don't think they are always careful about
separating meat and veg dishes, so tell them it matters to you!!!

Also, the current address for the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii is P.O. Box
23208; Honolulu, HI 96823-3208. Phone (808) 944-8344. 

Elaine French
Founder and former President, 
Vegetarian Society of Hawaii
