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Eating in France

To the person interested in what to do in French restaurants (sorry, I deleted 
the digest, and don't know who it was from!):

I have lived in France and the French-speaking part of Switzerland. You can
always ask for salad without dressing (sans sauce) or pizza without cheese
(sans fromage). Here are some hints for eating out from the French Weight
Watchers; while not strictly fatfree vegetarian they may be helpful (I'll
use the French terms, as this is what you will see on the menu; I don't have
the ability to do the accents, though):

	OK: carottes rapees, crudites diverses, oeuf en gelee, jambon,
rosbif cuit
	Avoid: celeri remoulade; salade russe/piemontaise; friand, quiche,
or other warm tarts; charcuterie

Snack bar
	OK: salade nicoise or crudites; omelette nature (plain)
	Avoid: salade aux lardons, gesiers, or noix; omelette aux lardons et
fromage; assiette de charcuterie

	OK: crudites/thon; jambon/fromage; poulet (without mayonnaise)
	Avoid: rillettes/pate; saucisson; merguez/frites

Fast Food:
	OK: plain hamburger; salade aux crevettes; salade jardin or greque;
coupe de fruits
	Avoid: double cheese or bacon; nuggets; frites; sundae or patisserie

	OK: pate fine; vegetarienne; du pecheur
	Avoid: Americaine (thick crust); quatre fromages; paysanne

	OK: crudites, sauce a part (sauce on the side); grillades; poisson;
legumes and feculents nature (plain); coupe de fruits or fruits frais;
tarte; sorbet
	Avoid: charcuterie or foie gras; bouchee a la reine, quiche, tarte aux
oignons; plats en sauce; cassoulet, couscous, choucroute; frites, pommes
de terre sautees; mousse au chocolat or creme brulee; patisserie; glace
with chantilly

Asian restaurant
	OK: rouleau de printemps; riz nature; salade aux crabe et crevettes;
raviolis a la vapeur; poulet vapeur, au curry, or a la citronnelle; marmite
du pecheur; fondue chinoise; crevettes grilles; mangue fraiche; lychees
	Avoid: Nem; riz cantonnais; nouilles frites; travers de porc;
nougat chinois; gateau amandes or de coco

Turkish/Greek/Lebanese restaurant
	OK: taboule libanais; tatziki; brochette de viande; brochette de
gambas; boulghour; fruit or salade de fruits frais
	Avoid: caviar d'aubergines; tarama; moussaka; feuilletes au fromage and
other preparations; oriental pastries

Italian restaurant
	OK: pates a la tomate fraiche; veau au citron; salade; 
tomates/mozzarella; pizza
	Avoid: pates a la bolognaise; escalope panee; spaghettis a la carbonara;
aubergines a la romaine; carpaccio de viande or de poisson

Hope this helps; please write me if you want anything translated.

			Sue Willis
