Hi there,
I'm the kid from Singapore...I've been with the list for a couple of years,
contributing occasionally, but mostly reading quietly... my system crashed
(on me) a few months back & I haven't had access to the list mail till
now... hope I haven't missed out on alot!! *smile*
I've got a question/problem right now & was hoping you guys out there could
help me... I'll be graduating from Uni in May and will be going on a trip
with my department for 2 weeks... I have little say over the arrangement of
meals for that period of time... but I have extended the trip to an extra 2
weeks... which I shall spend with a classmate whom I've just gotten to know
this year and whom I'm honestly not very close to... we intend to go 2
weeks earlier than the rest of the class... travel in areas other than
those in the pre-planned itineary..and thanmeet up with the rest of the
gang 2 weeks later for another 2 weeks journey.
I would most likely be preparing or arranging meals for my classmate (a
guy) and I... and I know that he's not a LF/FF eater or vegetarian... so, I
would really appreciate ideas on how I can prepare easy and low budget
dinners to accomodate both our needs. I'm not fully vegetarian, still eat
small quantities of m*at, but I try to eat LF/FF most of the time. I don't
mind preparing 2 types of dinners everyday, if it's relatively easy to do
so. I definitely do not expect my travel partner to follow my eating
We'll be staying in youth hostels and will have access to decent kitchens.
I have already thought about breakfasts and lunches... those are easy,
sandwiches ought to do it.
Thanks for any help.