> 1) to kim who wanted to know what people do with their recipes:
> i print out the ones that look interesting, cut them out and put them in
> a photo album (the kind with the sticky pages) . the first half is
What a wonderful idea! I think I'm going to do that, too... I don't think
there's ANY hope of me getting them into a cookbook program anymore!
> 2) bugs - last week i made cous cous for dinner. i bought the c.c. in a
> bag instead of a box. when i was measuring out how much i needed, i
> noticed about four black bugs. two were little worm-like creatures and
> the other two looked like fleas. i apologize if anyone is eating while
> they're reading this! what are they? i didn't tell my husband and went
> ahead and made it.
Icky! I had a similar experience while making maraconi and nut. yeast
sauce for the first time. It was all full of nicely dehydrated maggot
criiters. I threw the whole pot out and haven't eaten nutritional yeast
-Sarah G. AKA Sandta Mort