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 From what I know we need not be too concerned about triglycerides. After
you start a vegan diet triglyceride level shoots up (most doctors are
confused as much as you and me why this happens).  Exercising may reduce
triglycerides, some people conjecture.

They say the upper limit is about 200.  Mine was 242 before I started a
vegan diet and is now 312.  I read somewhere that we need to be concerned
only if it goes beyond 800-900 mark.  Pls consult with your physician.

Dr. Neal Barnard has suggested that if both bad cholestorol AND triglyride
levels are high THEN only we are at risk.

Best regards,

Suman K. Manandhar, Systems Analyst, Regional Computer Center, AIT, Bangkok
Phone : +66 2 5245328, +66 2 5245300   Fax : +66 2 5162120
Email : suman@xxxxxxxxx                Web : www.rcc.ait.ac.th/staff/suman/
