There is an excellent web site devoted to meal preparation and freezing in
advance, It's not vegan nor low-fat, but the principles can be adapted. It
tells what can be frozen, how to package meals and suggests recipes which you
can change according to your vegetarian guidelines. Frankly, I read it,
planning on doing this very freezing in advance plan, but opted for a
different meal plan. I am vegan and did not find their recipes very helpful,
but that doesn't mean you won't.
My Meal Plan for a family of two preteens and two parents:
Mon and Wed serve meals based loosely upon the same grains
Tues. and Theresa serve meals based loosely upon the same grains
Wed the kids and spouse eat out because we're in activities all day after
This way, I cook big grain batches twice a week, supplement meals with
veggies, various nonfat sauces and whole grain breads. Weekends are for
cooking small meals (grilled cheese sandwich type things and fresh vegs ) for
the family but not for me.
I'm vegan, the kids aren't and all they do is complain, but I got tired of
spending three hours every night cooking meat based dishes and one little
vegan meal. So Wed is their 'break' from eating healthy. They put up with my
healthy meals much better this way. My husband has been wonderful and eats
vegan with no complaint. In face, he likes 'regular' food less and less and
complains it's too greasy now!
The vegan meals I prepare are for the most part from Dr. John McDougall's 7
cookbooks. I was put on this diet by my gastroenterologist for GERD and have
lost 49 pounds so far.