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lentil soup recipe

>Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 13:58:02 +1000
>From: "Andrews, Kirsten (K.  Beazley, MP)" <Kirsten.Andrews@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: tex mex lentil casserole

>Thanks also to the poster of the lentil soup recipe with canned tomatoes
>last week - I am on my third batch!

   I'll certainly try Kirsten's casserole, but wanted to second her thanks
to the person who posted the lentil soup recipe. Excellent! On our third
batch, I shortened it to include canned lentils, and also added some
spinach (which I seem to be craving this summer, in everything, -raw or
cooked). Branching out as we have, reviews are now 'mixed' on the addition
of the onion soup mix, but this may be because we don't like to use mixes
(she said, after confessing to canned beans..)
   We think that this soup is also good, cold.
   Tasty, easy, and good nutrition.
   Thanks again.

Kathleen Wilson
Glenwood, Nova Scotia