Hello...We bread our tofu all the time and have never
had to add any extra "adhesive" to get the breading mix to
stick. I use a mix of cornmeal, nutritional yeast, cayene
pepper, thyme, garlic powder...just flip the pressed sticks
around in the mix and it sticks just fine. Then bake.
p.s. What does +AD4- and +ACI- mean??
> +AD4- Hi, Jan,
> +AD4- Nice to see you around. I do the breaded frozen tofu
> +AD4-thing quite frequently, this is how I generally do it.
> +AD4- I marinate the (thick, about 3/4+ACI- thick) slices first in
> +AD4-tamari and lots of shredded ginger. Then I dip them in
> +AD4-beaten egg white, then in seasoned bread crumbs+AD4-Pat Meadows
> Thanks, Pat.
> This was what I was thinking, I eat a vegan diet, will have
> to play with this and see if something else, like maybe
> whiped EnerG will keep the breading on.
> Jan
> +AD4-