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Apple Crisp (was:Sweet Cornbread Dessert)

For Lorie, who's looking for a good Apple Crisp recipe:

We had friends over last fall, and we were telling them about some of
the pitfalls of cooking fatfree vegan.  I mentioned to the wife that we
had stopped making apple pies, because it's impossible to make a good
apple pie crust that's fatfree (grape nut crusts are possible, but it's
just not the same...)  She agreed, and was bemoaning the fact that it's
impossible to make a good fatfree apple crisp, too.  I grinned and told
her "there's one in on the dessert table right now!"  Her husband perked
up at this, immediately excused himself and made a beeline for the
dessert table.  She followed.  5 minutes later they were both back,
begging me for the recipe!

I keep the recipe on my website.  http://www.senie.com/faith/dinner.html
and follow the link for "Apple Crisp".  There are a few more fatfree
vegan recipes there, too -- feel free to browse... :)  I've sent some of
them to the list over the years, and gotten some of them from the list
over the years.  Some of these are our own creations, some came from
others.  It's an interesting mix...


Faith                       |"Censorship ends in logical completeness
faith@xxxxxxxxx             |when nobody is allowed to read any books
http://www.senie.com/faith/ |except the books that nobody can read."
                            | -- George Bernard Shaw