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RE: Fat free Chewy Chocolate Cookies

Sounds like a plan!
Molasses can be heavy, and although I have a craving for the flavor, it's
not enough to want to feel like I'm eating solid molasses.  cutting it is a
great idea.
Thanks for the follow up!

-----Original Message-----
From: alexis_baby@xxxxxxxx [mailto:alexis_baby@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 2:31 PM
To: CF_Muehling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Fat free Chewy Chocolate Cookies

  Here is what I found from asking chef Deb :

  1/2 cup molasses might be way too intense a molasses flavor for all
but the confirmed molassoholic.

Try using rice syrup, malt syrup, fructose syrup, agave nectar, golden
syrup, cane syrup, or maple syrup,
with 2 - 3 Tbs molasses making up part of the 1/2 cup.

   Hope it helps you out !!!

~~ AsHLeY wEdgEwOoD ~~

alexis_baby@xxxxxxxx - email