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Date:	Tue, 17 Apr 2001 18:08:33 +1000
From:	"Lucy Locket" <reine_de_glace@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:reine_de_glace@xxxxxxxxxxx> >
Subject:	Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <F227vjkO22ZhCl8aii000009b7d@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:F227vjkO22ZhCl8aii000009b7d@xxxxxxxxxxx> >
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
I was just wondering if anyone had any idea about the nurtitional value of 
1, TAPIOCA and 2, DRIED COCONUT MILK.  I have looked averywhere for values 
like carbohydrated, fat and calories for tapioca which is i think the root 
of a plant, and the same for dried coconut milk but i cant find it anywhere.
thankyou to anyone who can help

I found tapioca, but not dry coconut milk at the USDA website:
Take away the moisture content and the dry milk should be equivalent.