> I have an eggplant, and I haven't a clue how to use
> it. I bought it for a grillout, and inadvertantly
> left it home.
You can make a great veggie stew called ratatouille. (pronounced-- rat at
too ee)
Just chop up that egggplant into 1 inch cubes,
add in some zuchinni, about half as much as you have of eggplant,
chop a red or green bell pepper and an onion.
Toss it all into a big pot, add a can of whole or crushed tomatoes.
Season with some oregano or marjoram or basil or a combination of all and
salt and pepper. I like to add some crushed red chilis.
Let it simmer for an hour or so. Serve as is or use it as a pasta sauce.