I'd love a recipe for the filling...
Jessica Cummins wrote:
> Jennifer
> I use Rice paper - you buy it in the asian section of the
> supermarket!! They come stiff and you just use a tiny bit of hot water
> to soften them, wrap the filling inside the bake in the oven! They
> come out fairly crisp (obviously the higher the temp and the longer
> you leave them in th oven then the crispier they will be)
> There you have it ABSOLUTLY fat free spring rolls, you may need to
> experiment with the hot to warm water though cos it certainly took me
> a few tries!!!!
> GOOD luck!!
> Jessica (WA)
> >From: Cybermama1@xxxxxxx
> >To: fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: Spring Rolls
> >Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 19:56:09 EDT
> >
> >Does anyone know of a recipe for low-fat spring or egg rolls? The
> filling
> >would be a cinch, but that deep frying makes me cringe. Thanks in
> advance!
> >
> >Jennifer in Long Beach, CA
> >