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FATFREE Mailing List Archive: Jan 1998
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- Jan 17, 1998
- Jan 16, 1998
- tortillas and pressure..., Martha Anandakrishnan
- Proprietary Information/Progresso Soups, Marjorie Busby
- Non-stick cookwear, Monica Berger
- Re: Progresso Soups, Robert J. and Monica L. Tittle
- re: unsub, Kelly_Carney
- Unidentified subject!, leanne m. reidy
- cooking pans, tony pagac
- soy milk containers, Rcaap
- Progresso soups, Martin Appel
- White sauce recipe, V. Kinney
- Progresso Soups, Martin Appel
- RE: indian spices, Pixilated
- cookbook, Heidi
- Fettucini alfredo, Schilling
- beans, Zeftu
- Sprouting Seeds, Dorothy Vaccaro
- Cheese Substitutes, Sheila Henry
- Re: soy milk containers, Kate Bilinski
- Parboil, Rhonda D Pitka
- Re: Are lentil just beans?, Robert J. and Monica L. Tittle
- Re: Red Lentils, Sherron
- heavy cream, Sharon McCleave
- Jan 15, 1998
- Pumpkin Rice Pudding, Neil C. Andrews, MD
- Are lentil just beans?, shell
- Before I unsub...., A DANIELS
- Re: cooking Indian spices without oil, sconyers
- Lentil Soup, Bette Kindman-Koffler
- RE: cooking Indian spices without oil, Jessica R. Shawl
- soy milk containers, Heaney, Marian
- indian spices, Rcaap
- SAD, Woolman
- Onions without tears, Karen Van Nederpelt
- Pressure Cooking Cookbook, Karen Hooten
- No Subject, Kris60625
- Tortilla ideas, please, susan.j.mcgee
- alfredo recipe desperately needed, Susan Scatena
- Request for Donations, Michelle Dick
- Jan 14, 1998
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