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FATFREE Mailing List Archive: Nov 1998
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- Nov 11, 1998
- re: How about some recipes?, Annie Coyne
- Vegetable Broth and other stuff, Lori Lugar
- Applebutter, KimWildOne
- re' greens going bad-storage, Albert Lee Fisher
- re' rice cookers, Albert Lee Fisher
- re' apple sauce, apple peeler, Albert Lee Fisher
- re' doctor degree--Susan L, Albert Lee Fisher
- brewing tea (green and other), Cookwie
- re: keep greens from going bad, Cookwie
- Re: Cilantro Haters, Gabrielle Kortsch
- apple crisp repost, etc., Cindy Parks
- more on rice cookers, Michelle Dick
- Re: re' green tea, Michelle Dick
- re' fat free pie crusts, Albert Lee Fisher
- re' ramen noodles, Albert Lee Fisher
- re' green tea, Albert Lee Fisher
- re' greens going bad, Albert Lee Fisher
- high nutrition dinners, Michelle Dick
- Re: Rice Pudding, Albert Lee Fisher
- re' sweet potatoes, Albert Lee Fisher
- thank-giving stuffing, Diana & Jim Oleskevich
- Re: recipes for Jeruselem Artichokes, Albert Lee Fisher
- Re: Egg rolls, Pea Soup, Pumpkin Cupcakes, Potato Soup, draccor
- cooking sprays, Susan Y. Lehman
- Re: Cast Iron Cookware, draccor
- Nov 10, 1998
- Nov 09, 1998
- Nov 08, 1998
- Black Soybeans and frozen, Richard M. Swanson
- Turnips and Sauerkraut, McNamara - Barbara
- Where from?, M. Olsen
- Lentil Pie part 2, M. Olsen
- Homestyle Lentil Pie, M. Olsen
- Roasted Winter Vegetables, M. Olsen
- Pasta Chinese style, M. Olsen
- Risotto with vegetables, M. Olsen
- Bean and Vegetable Soup, M. Olsen
- Hot cinnamon plums with oranges, M. Olsen
- Vegetable Couscous, M. Olsen
- Mom's dressing, MDLukacs
- Potato Milk, MDLukacs
- Pumpkin Raisin Cake, Felicia K. Wdowiak
- Fruit Cake Short Way, Felicia K. Wdowiak
- Fruit Cake Long Way pt. 2, Felicia K. Wdowiak
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